Degrees Programs学历教育项目
Doctor’s Degree Programs博士学位项目
School of Economics经济学院
National Economics国民经济学
Industry Economics产业经济学
School of Public Finance and Taxation财政税务学院
Public Finance财政学
School of Finance金融学院
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
International Trade国际贸易学
School of Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程学院
Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程
School of Business Administration工商管理学院
Enterprise Management企业管理
School of Accounting会计学院
School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics数学与数量经济学院
School of Statistics统计学院
School of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术学院
Doctor’s Degree Programs Offered in English英语授课博士学位项目
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
International Trade国际贸易学
Master’s Degree Programs硕士学位项目
School of Economics经济学院
Political Economics政治经济学
History of Economic Thought经济思想史
Economic History经济史
Western Economics西方经济学
Economics of population, Resource and Environment人口、资源与环境经济学
National Economics国民经济学
Regional Economics区域经济学
Industry Economics产业经济学
Labor Economics劳动经济学
School of Public Finance and Taxation财政税务学院
Public Finance财政学
Master of Taxation(MT)税务硕士(专业学位)
School of Finance金融学院
Master of Finance(MF)金融硕士(专业学位)
School of Insurance保险学院
Risk Management and Actuarial风险管理与精算
Master of Insurance(MI)保险硕士(专业学位)
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
World Economy世界经济
International Trade国际贸易学
Master of International Business(MIB)国际商务硕士(专业学位)
School of Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程学院
Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程
Master of Logistics Engineering(MLE)物流工程(专业学位)
School of Business Administration工商管理学院
Enterprise Management企业管理
Tourist Management旅游管理
Technology Economy and Management技术经济及管理
Human Resources Management人力资源管理
School of Accounting会计学院
Financial Management财务管理
Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc)会计硕士(专业学位)
Master of Asset Valuation(MV)资产评估硕士(专业学位)
Master of Auditing审计硕士(专业学位)
School of Public Management公共管理学院
Educational Economics and Management教育经济与管理
Social Securities社会保障
Land Resources Management土地资源管理
Public Organization and Human Resources Management公共组织与人力资源管理
School of Law法学院
Law Theory法学理论
Constitution and Administrative Law宪法学与行政法学
Criminal Law刑法学
Civil and Commercial Law民商法学
Procedural Law诉讼法学
Economic Law经济法学
International Law国际法学
Master of Laws (LL.M. )法律硕士
School of Marxism马克思主义学院
Basic Principles of Marxism马克思主义基本原理
Studies on Marxism in China马克思主义中国化研究
Ideological and Political Education思想政治教育
Studies on Basic Issues in Modern and Contemporary Chinese History
School of Foreign Languages外国语学院
English Language and Literature英语语言文学
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics外国语言学及应用语言学
Japanese Language and Literature日语语言文学
Master of Translation and Interpreting(Written English)(MTI)英语笔译(专业学位)
Master of Translation and Interpreting(Oral English)(MTI)英语口译(专业学位)
School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics数学与数量经济学院
Quantitative Economics数量经济学
School of Statistics统计学院
Financial Statistics金融统计学
Master of Applied Statistics(M.A.S.)应用统计硕士(专业学位)
School of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术学院
Computer Software and Theory计算机软件与理论
Computer Applied Technology计算机应用技术
Digital Media Technology数字媒体技术
Finance Information Engineering金融信息工程
MBA Education Center MBA公司
MPA Education Center MPA公司
School of Physical Education体育学院
Sports Economics体育产业管理
School of Literature and Journalism文学与新闻传播学院
Cultural Industry Management文化产业管理
School of Applied English Studies公共外语教学部
Foreign Language curriculum and Teaching外语课程与教学
School of International EducationOE欧亿官方网站
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages
Master’s Degree Programs Offered in English英语授课硕士学位项目
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
Master of International Business(MIB)国际商务硕士
School of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术学院
Computer Applied Technology计算机应用技术
School of Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程学院
Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程
School of Accounting会计学院
Bachelor’s Degree Programs学士学位项目
School of Economics经济学院
Economics of Resources and Environment资源与环境经济学
School of Public Finance and Taxation财政税务学院
Public Finance财政学
School of Finance金融学院
Financial Engineering金融工程
School of Insurance保险学院
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
International Economics and Trade国际经济与贸易
Trade Economy贸易经济
International Business国际商务
School of Management Science and Engineering管理科学与工程学院
Information Management and Systems信息管理与信息系统
Electronic Business电子商务
Logistics Management物流管理
Management Science管理科学
Engineering Management工程管理
Information Management and Systems(Software Maintenance Outsourcing)
School of Business Administration工商管理学院
Business Administration工商管理
Human Resource Management人力资源管理
Tourist Management旅游管理
Real Estate Development and Management房地产开发与管理
School of Accounting会计学院
Financial Management财务管理
Assets Valuation资产评估
School of Public Management公共管理学院
Public Administration公共事业管理
Administrative Management行政管理
Labor and Social Security劳动与社会保障
School of Law法学院
School of Physical Education体育学院
Sports Economy and Management体育经济与管理
Social Physical Education Guidance and Management社会体育指导与管理
School of Literature and Journalism文学与新闻传播学院
Chinese Language and Literature汉语言文学
Cultural Industries Management文化产业管理
School of Foreign Languages外国语学院
Business English商务英语
School of Mathematics and Quantitative Economics数学与数量经济学院
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics数学与应用数学
Financial Mathematics金融数学
School of Statistics统计学院
Economic Statistics经济统计学
Data Science and Big Data Technology数据科学与大数据技术
School of Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术学院
Computer Science and Technology计算机科学与技术
Digital Media Technology数字媒体技术
Digital Media Arts数字媒体艺术
Computer Science and Technology (Financial Informatization)计算机科学与技术(金融信息化)
Computer Science and Technology (Financial Big Data)计算机科学与技术(金融大数据)
School of Arts艺术学院
Visual Communication Design视觉传达技术
School of International EducationOE欧亿官方网站
Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages汉语国际教育
Bachelor’s Degree Programs Offered in English英语授课学士学位项目
School of International Trade and Economics国际经贸学院
International Economics and Trade国际经济与贸易
International Business国际商务
School of Business Administration工商管理学院
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)工商管理
School of Accounting会计学院
Non-Degree Programs非学位教育项目
Areas of Study Offered to International Exchange Students校际交流员工学习领域
The University offered English courses to international exchange students of partner universities. The study areas could be International Economics and Trade, International Business, World Economy, Finance, Social Work, Computer Applied Technology, Chinese Culture, Chinese Language.
Chinese Language Program汉语培训项目
Elementary Chinese----spoken, listening, characters and grammar
Intermedia Chinese ---- spoken, listening, reading and grammar
Advanced Chinese ---- spoken, listening, reading and writing
HSK preparation
Chinese history and culture