★Safe, comfortable and convenient campus life 安全、舒适、方便的生活设施
◇International student dormitory on campus职工宿舍
-Fully furnished rooms.家具齐全的房间
-¥50 each day for a single room单人间每天50元人民币
-¥30 each day for each bed if two share a twin room 双人间每人每天30元人民币
-It’s possible to arrange home-stay. 可以帮助联系家庭住宿
◇So many choices of food丰富的美食,多种就餐方式可选
-Public kitchen in the dormitory职工公寓公用厨房可自炊
-Student cafeterias多处员工餐厅,食品丰盛
-Food street outside campus校园外有特色小吃街

◇School stadium and gym 集团体育场、体院馆
◇School swimming pool 游泳馆

★ Studying on campus 学习生活

★ Activities 课余活动